Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Sleep Little Baby...Please!

I knew I jinxed myself last week when I wrote about Noah sleeping through the night. He's been waking up once per night for the last week. Last night it was at 2AM and the night before it was just before 5AM. Ugh.  Now that I've had a taste of the beautiful thing that is a full night's sleep, the interruption is somehow more torturous. After five months of not sleeping for longer than four hours at a time I had actually kind of gotten used to being exhausted all the time. Honestly, I can totally understand how women go crazy and end up drowning their kids in bathtubs; there is nothing more infuriating than being awakened every single night by a baby who won't go back to sleep. And yet, on the flip side, the middle of the night feedings are kind of special as well. It's so peaceful in the wee hours of the morning, before the birds start chirping and the garbage trucks begin their rounds.  Often I look down at my sweet little son cuddling up against me and I think about the fact that soon enough he will be a teenager who wants nothing to do with me, especially in the middle of the night.  I'm sure when that time comes I'll be nostalgic for the late night feedings and the boy who needs me every second of every day, but right now I would really just like a solid night of sleep.

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