Monday, July 8, 2013

Weekend with Mommy

I'm going to be honest with you here, people. Once you have a child it feels like you're in the movie Groundhog Day and you're just living the same day over and over and over. So, basically, it's like Monday every single day of the week. Yeah, pretty frightening, huh?

Despite the Hubby's busy work schedule, we did manage to enjoy the holiday weekend.  Chris got home from work in time to see the fireworks, which was a nice surprise. We have an excellent view from our bedroom window, so we parked ourselves in bed with a couple of cocktails and enjoyed the show. If only the loud explosions hadn't woken Noah up, it would've been great.  I'm sure he will appreciate fireworks in a few years, but currently the celebration of our Nation's founding only causes screaming and tears. 

Friday I recruited the grandparents for a combination of home improvement and child care.  Noah seems to be going through some sort of stage where he either doesn't want to nap or only naps for 30 minutes once a day, so I was really happy to have someone to hand the kiddo off to so I could take a shower.

Saturday was the big Grand Opening fete for the restaurant, so I pulled myself together and took Noah down to see his Daddy and be part of the excitement.  I'm sure when Noah is older he will be able to appreciate the fact that he saw the Batmobile, but I think at this stage he mainly felt overwhelmed by all the people and the loud music. He did look cute though, and that's what matters, right?

Sunday we had a few hours with Chris before he had to run off to work, so we tried the new coffee spot on Larchmont (great coffee, really dumb the way it's set up, service wise) before hitting the fafmer's market.

Yesterday also happened to be my nephew's tenth birthday, so dinner, as per family tradition, was at Benihana. It was Noah's first visit to the temple of hacky showmanship and the aroma of grease that permeates your hair and clothes, and I'm pretty sure he liked it. He didn't get to try any of the food, but considering I have 10 nieces and nephews, I'm sure he'll have plenty of opportunities to enjoy the fine cuisine in his lifetime.  Seriously, has the menu at Benihana changed at all since the place opened in 1964?  

And now I'm off to wash the smell of Benihana out of my hair while the Muffin Man naps. Here's hoping he sleeps for longer than the duration of a Dora the Explorer episode.  

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