
Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Veterans Day

This handsome guy is my step-dad!
The post today is short and sweet, because I'm rushing off to take my underweight kiddo to have some blood tests done.  I'm still out of Xanax, so my anxiety is off the charts.  Hopefully it won't be too torturous for the Muffin Man, though I have a sneaking suspicion that I may cry more than he does.

We had a great time at the Baby2Baby Gala.  I managed to squeeze myself into one of my fancy dresses, the hubby rocked a tux, and we drank heavily for a good cause.  Definitely a departure from our usual Saturday nights spent wearing pajamas and watching Netflix.

"Blondes" do have more fun! (AKA my sis-in-law is a hottie)
Everything is more romantic in formal wear.

The dessert buffet is my nemesis.
Have a wonderful Veteran's Day, my friends.  Enjoy your day off and remember it's all thanks to those who have served our country that I have the freedom to make an ass of myself.


  1. I posted a pic of my dad and uncle on my profile page today. They were both proud to serve their country.

    1. I love seeing the vintage pics. Everyone looks so handsome!

  2. Nice post - nice pics, nice thoughts! Hope all goes well, and roll on your next battle with your nemesis! (being a chocoholic I can relate!)

    1. I mean, seriously, who has the willpower to resist the free dessert buffet?!

  3. nice post. happy veterans day

  4. I know how it feels to run out of xanax ;) Oh the life of a mom! Found you on the BloggyMoms November blog hop :) I'm at, come say hi if you have a chance! ~Jen

    1. Hi Jen! I'm headed your way now. Thanks for stopping by!


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