I hope you had a wonderful weekend, my lovelies. We're in the final stretch and you only have three shopping days left before Hanukkah begins, which means I have three more fabulous gift ideas for you to bestow upon your loved ones!
Being a Momma is hard work. Whether you're a stay-at-home Mom or a working Mom, there really is no rest for the wicked. So often I feel like just getting out the door with all of the required accoutrements (diapers, wipes, bottle, change of clothes, snacks, etc.) is more than I can handle. I do my best to groom myself on a daily basis, but more often than not I end up running around without having showered, not wearing makeup and with greasy hair. I would absolutely LOVE to look put together and fabulous every time I leave the house, but until I can clone myself and therefore have enough of me to go around, I have to settle for looking one step above homeless most days.
Several months ago I received a batch of gift certificates to Drybar. I can't tell you what an amazing gift this was for a new Momma, not only because I rarely have time to wash and style my hair at home, but because using the gift certificates means that I get some time to myself to be pampered, and I look fantastic afterwards. Yes, it's often difficult to find childcare to watch the Muffin Man while I get my hair done and, yes, once and a while I feel guilty for fobbing him off on someone else while I have a blow dry, but somedays Momma just needs to escape and recapture a teensy tiny bit of her old glamorous, well-groomed life.
I'm guessing that there are quite a few Mommas (and non-Mommas) in your life who would far prefer a gift certificate to Drybar over yet another t-shirt or a silver-plated dreidel. I already have too much stuff that I don't have room to store, but I can always find a place in my wallet for a free blow dry! Here's the beautiful thing: you don't even have to leave the comfort of your desk to purchase free blow outs for your friends and loved ones. You can go to the Drybar website and either order a gift certificate the you print right now (who doesn't love immediate gratification?) or order a batch to be shipped to everyone on your holiday gift list. There's a Drybar in most major metropolitan areas, a single blow out is only $40, and they give you champagne and cookies during your appointment, so this really is the perfect choice for every lady on your list.

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